Stable Design


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Superior Sheds & Stables

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Wadham Park (Qld)
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Wadham Park (Qld)

Situated at the Wadham Park racing stables near Canungra, this 45m x 14m shed features a 2.4m verandah roof, 30° pitched roof with a top stepped, vented roof, gable ends with glass and more venting - to aid with both cooling and lighting - and a thoughtfully chosen colour combination.

Dayboro Vet Clinic Dayboro Vet Clinic Wadham Park (Qld) Wadham Park (Qld) The Flying Stable Block

Steel and Timber Stables

Stables utilizing steel frames with timber inserts - Tasmanian Oak, various hardwoods and other assorted timbers - are the most appealing to the eye. However, much care must be taken when making this style of stable as, if not prepared properly, the timber will rot and the steel will rust at a rapid rate.

Superior Sheds & Stables after sales service has enabled us to carry out years of research to allow up to date management of our products.

Planning for your stables should be carried out carefully and should address all areas of potential concern. Chief among these is the heat encountered in shed like structures. If a human feels uncomfortable when entering a stable then there is no doubt a horse will not feel grateful for being left there either.

To help overcome this, we recommend extra insulation in the ceilings of steel and timber stables, which carries with it the additional benefit of dampening sound. Extra insulation should also be installed in walls facing south and west.

Large roof overhangs keep walls shaded in the middle hours of the day and reduce peak internal temperatures while giving substantial extra water catchment area for your water tanks.

Overhangs also allow the height of the side external walls to be lowered leaving a substantial gap to promote air circulation, cooling and the drying of bedding. Odour reduction is a another beneficial side effect of increased air circulation, giving a better working environment to owners, staff and horses alike.

A 10° to 20° roof pitch serves to allow hot air in the stables to rise to the apex and through vents in the gable ends of the building.

But, at the end of the day, timber inserts not only look good, their resilience and flexibility absorb substantial amounts of shock when kicked by horses thereby potentially avoiding injury to fractious animals.

Steel and timber stables can be installed affordably in nearly any existing shed or run down stable and provide a simple way of giving a facelift to an older structure.

Stable fronts are able to be totally opened giving easy access to bobcats or other small machinery used to remove and replace sawdust. It is also possible if moving to a new property to take your stable walls with you. Superior Sheds & Stables is able to assist it's clients in this regard.

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